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Master Service Agreement

Starting upon the effective date, the MSA could be applied to all new contracts to be awarded by any of the Affiliates of Eni to any of the Affiliates of the Contractor who has entered into the MSA, according to the instructions stated in the Letter of Agreement.

For the purposes of the MSA, Affiliate of Eni SpA and Operating Company shall mean any legal entity as defined in Clause 1.4 of the Letter of Agreement.

The MSA has been agreed after extensive negotiations which involved procurement, legal, insurance and technical experts of both parties.

As is the case in any negotiation, each party had to yield on some principles, however we consider the terms and conditions agreed fair and satisfactory to Eni.

The use of the MSA shall be advantageous for Eni and shall generate savings for the following main reasons:

  • Systematic and secure application of terms and conditions in compliance with Eni's policy, with consequent protection in the case of incidents or claims;
  • consolidation of clauses leading to direct cost savings (i.e. liabilities, insurance, pollution, etc.);
  • elimination of difficult and time-consuming negotiations usually needed to agree the terms and conditions for each contract.

All necessary instructions to adhere to the MSA are set out in the Letter to Affiliates MSA.

We are confident that by signing the MSA Eni has achieved a remarkable target in terms of cost savings, quality and effectiveness.

Halliburton: letter of award MSA 4600000953 - (Documentazione)

Servizi ausiliari integrati per la perforazione/produzione.
Validità dal 1 agosto 2013. Durata 60 mesi

01. Letter of Award MSA HALLIBURTON.pdf 0,12 MB

Schlumberger: Letter of Award MSA SLB 4600000950 - (Documentazione)

Servizi ausiliari integrati per la perforazione/produzione.
Validità dal 1 agosto 2013. Durata: 60 mesi

01. Letter of Award MSA SLB.pdf 0,15 MB